My Projects

  1. Codevengers This website is for learning MySQL and PL/SQL
  2. Sudoku This is Sudoku game as Js project
  3. Spotify Clone This is a spotify clone built in Html, Css and Js
  4. Typengers This is a typing test website to check typing speed in wpm with accuracy or for typing practice
  5. Todo List This is a todo list built as a Php project with database connectivity
  6. Bad jokes This website shows programming and dark jokes using api
  7. Snake Game This is a snake game built in Html, Css and Js
  8. Google Clone This is a google clone as a css project
  9. Whatsapp Web This is a Whatsapp Web clone
  10. Whatsapp Mobile This is the clone of whatsapp mobile and it works correctly only in mobile
  11. Gaurav's Fitness Gym This is a basic Gym Website
  12. Tic Tac Toe This is a tic tac toe game built in Html, Css and Js
  13. Animated Buttons This is the webpage which contains all the animated buttons i created
  14. Calculator This is a Js project for beginner level
  15. Analog Clock This a basic anlaog clock